Free ice cream

Man from SKY: "Hey kids do you want some free ice cream"????


Man from SKY: " OK, now all I want you to do is to look into the camera and say "I'm really looking forward to watching Puss in Boots on Sky Movies this summer"

Eve: "But we've seen it"

Joe: "I thought it was pants"

Man from SKY: "Yes well, can you still please just look into the camera and say it?"

The Smiths: "Say what"

Man from SKY: "I'm really looking forward to watching Puss in Boots on Sky Movies this summer"

Joe: "I wouldn't bother"

Man from SKY: "No, can you say it please"

The Smiths: "We are looking forward to watching Puss in Boots on.....when was it on again?"

Man from Sky: It's really quite simple, can you just say ""I'm really looking forward to watching Puss in Boots on Sky Movies this summer".

The Smiths (mumbling): "We're really looking forward to watching Puss in Boots this summer".

Man from SKY: Ok, guys nearly there, can you please mention that it is on SKY and look as if you are really enthusiastic please"

The Smiths (screaming): "WE CAN'T WAIT TO SEE PUSS IN BOOTS ON SKY"

Joe (mumbling): "Although I thought it was pants"

Man from SKY:"OK, guys thanks for that you can go now".

The Smiths: "Hey Dad, do you think we'll be on the telly"

Me: "No".

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