Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Politics Live!

Postal voting, lets be honest, it's a bit dull. You get none of that wee bit of excitement of popping your wee folded white paper into yer actual ballot box in yer actual polling day at yer actual polling centre. Or is that just me. Probably. But that's because I'm a stay up allnighter swingometer nerd, going goggle eyed over increasingly more daft TV graphics, avoiding the mainstream coverage if I can, eating 20 packets of chocolate biscuits like a beached sofa sloth, oohing and ahhing at the shock wins and sore losers, even before Scotland got its knickers in a twist for the referendum. (I still haven't untwisted mine since the result to be fair....actually that might explain why I keep falling over). Anyways, when it comes to all nighters, they are sadly not sex, drugs and rock n roll fuelled anymore (were they ever?...shhhh) but involve either elections or the oscars. Gave up on the oscars years ago. They really are too boring to stay up for.

Back to the election and this year I may be back at the count to witness a friend get elected, which will be both weird and wonderful. May the force be with her.

And as for the dark side, it was sickening to see extremists on the constituency list like the National Front....I hope they lose their deposit....and also UKIP and others wrapped in tank straddling wolves clothing like the Tories....who in good consciousness could actually vote for these abhorrent parties and all that they stand for and worse yet, what they actually do. Yet some eejits always do. That's democracy.

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