The Magical Veil of Cadmium Green

These last days of April are somewhat confusing. Our departure to the sea is approaching. Which makes you narrowing in. Getting in order for leaving. But also the weather introduces instability in expectations. Some early sun in the morning, Then rainclouds covering the sky. Bright intervals, sometimes very short. Can we go outside? Yes-no, where can we go?

I converted confusion into combination. We had already seen how rapidly the fresh greens of the beeches in the forest around the corner are spreading their enchanting light filtering effect. This veiled scintillating of miriads of new leaflets unfolding. This reaching out all around of the newborn nature. Surely, if we would not take our chance before the end of this week, the unfolding process and darkening of the greens would have swallowed away this very temporary magical green light effect.

So before we leave, let us enjoy springtime just around the corner. En route into the Ferriesgrund. And we did well. Letting be the insecure weather conditions - sun or rain, sun and rain, whatever. Because we climbed up the footpath through that magical scenery. All the way long up to that bench where we took some rest before returning home for tea.

Once we will be back here after that fortnight at sea the world of the forests and the fields will be different. Gone with the wind the first white blossoming. The purity of the lightening greens will have grown out into more solid and mature forms. And striking then of course the eyeblinding rapesead yellow. But as for this here and now: the Lightening Veil of Cadmium Green.

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