Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104

Pigeon bath!

What a week I've had in Duiven, Netherlands. We went live with our 4th country pilot of iPOS, the new till system we are installing around the world.
I've had no time at all to comment and post, but did manage to take the odd picture with my phone along the way - I hope you have time to take a quick look.

Today all, I've done is try and catch up with work from this week and look out on a very wet and rain sodden garden. It was even hailing a short while ago. But I guess it's not as bad as some people who have had snow! I did manage to catch this pigeon trying to take a bath during the one bright moment that happened earlier today. I think it's a bit small for him though.

So, now I am finished with work for this week (a nice long weekend ahead of me!) and ready to take a look at all the fabulous shots from this week. Hearts, stars and comments are on their way :)

Here are the links to my back blips if you have time to take a quick look.
Sunday, Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday

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