The Golden Ones

Mr Cakes is on his way to Frankfurt; I'll be happy when I hear he's safely arrived. Too late to visit with his brother tonight but he'll get to see him tomorrow and I think they'll both feel better then. I'm in charge of keeping the home fires burning and given how cold it is that could well be a big job!

We ran with the Ginja Ninjas this morning and despite a few rather big sticks it all went pretty well. They finished off with a swim..... the humans gave that a miss!

Last day of school for L today; it's 'muck up' day tomorrow.....a day of messy nonsense by the 6th they are encouraged not to go in and they all party instead :-)

They may have sneaked in early with 600 balloons in the deputy's office......which was greeted with much hilarity by her so that's good!

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