Rosie and I went for a walk after dinner. We got out the car, walked for a bit, I let her off her lead and then fell flat in my face. Lordy, I do feel sorry for myself now. I have an egg lump on one knee, two hands that don't want to work properly and an all over shaken up feeling. Stupid clumsy idiot.

Before that Boris came for lunch with his mum. I had forgotten the wonder of chatting with a two year old boy, he was fabulous. He was very happy with his ham and yoghurt, said 'wow, a daddy' when Jay walked into the room, played with every ball in the garden and said Rosie was pink. It was nice to see his mum too I suppose.

Bath blip as I was meant to be taking photos on our walk that didn't happen it in the end. I had no idea we still had rubber ducks.

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