Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Down By The Shore

My Dear Fellow,

Here it is, the old neighbourhood. I miss this view, but that is probably the only thing I miss about our old flat. Even the address was a bit annoying, because even though everyone says it's "The Shore" it is not. It is just "Shore".  

So when I had to give our Official Address to someone on the phone (Council, for example) I'd have to say "Shore" and they'd think I said "Sure" and we'd end up having a "Who's On First" type of conversation.

But I must admit, the water is awfully pretty. Some drunk Polish blokes jumped off that bridge one night for a swim, not realising that the water isn't very deep and they just ended up staggering around in the mud. They ended up having to be rescued by the Fire Service as the water's edge is far too slippery to climb up out of though.

El Parsones

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