Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Calorie counting

A busy morning with a bit of online shopping in bed, a routine blood test, Archie going crazy because Anne came to take him out (they're going to Summerhall after hanging out in Anne's flat) and a gym visit.

I have noticed that I tell everyone that I meet that I'm getting two new knees. I've waited so long for those words! It reminds me of when I told everyone I met that I was going on safari.

I'm still lamenting my old, holey, warm cardi now covered in white paint. I need a new sitting-around-the-house one. A Google search for 'warm woolly cardigans' brought me to a website full of 'em. On sale. My cardi of choice was ordered and winging its way to me even before I was out of bed. Brilliant. I love that kind of shopping.

Did my stint in the gym - nearly an hour - with 5 minutes on the cross trainer to finish me off. Literally.

I am now going to spend the afternoon on the sofa, admiring the clean windows and reading my new book. I have joined (for a free trial month) Kindle Unlimited. Read a book, give it back. £7.99 a month, and if I read a couple every month that would be worth it. I don't really want to keep them once I've read them anyway. If you're a speed reader it would be really cost effective!

I note, from my dieting app, that an Almond Magnum is 280 calories. Wonder if I used that up at the gym and so I could justify having one from my bargain box this afternoon... I think not, as after ten very strenuous minutes on the bike, it informed me that I'd used up 36 calories. That CAN'T be right!

Here's Anne with Archie, once he'd calmed down. I want a Good Report this time - last time he barked at other dogs too much. Could try harder, Archie.

PS Good report today!

PPS Line of Duty finale tonight!

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