The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Early morning dew...

The spiders have been busy overnight. All the plants and flowers were covered in spider webs, glistening in the morning dew. We walked the dogs at half six and it was glorious, cool and damp and glorious. I popped back for my camera to take lots of shots. This one doesn't give the sense of the busy spider activity, but the colours and the glistening are pretty.

I've been training and we are now waiting for Paul's family and the boys to arrive. Q by train and R after he has finished a shift on the farm. We have four other guests arriving from afar, we are really grateful to them for making the effort to come and say hello. It's times like this that you know who your true friends are.

Have a lovely Saturday, ladies and gents, I hope the sun shines for you all!

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