Total Washout

Weather killed me today. Low cloud, rain, hail, you name it. Cleared up in the evening so I went for a walk up a mountain next to me.

I only went up maybe 100-130m and it nearly damn killed me. So hard to breathe and keep moving, and now understand why there was a bench to sit down every 40 yards - they are sorely needed (in fact, if they want to put them at 20 yard intervals, that would be much more useful).

The view is spectacular. I say that like it's any different to my bedroom's all spectacular! Interesting that the history of this area was a battle back in WW1. Apparently Stelvio was the battleground to prevent the Austrians/Germans reaching Milan. Although it suggests that the Italians battled the Swiss....I dunno, better read up my history I figure.

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