New Growth

What a day!

The Cygnet nearly got to school before his sore stomach got too much for him.
So he went back home with SWMBO while I finished getting Squirrel to nursery, walking PD, shooting the emerging buds and leaves (and the fallen larch cones), doing a shop and going to collect stuff for Bags new en-suite that is being built (delivery not until lunch time!!!!).

Then it was teach The Cygnet how to lose at play noughts and crosses, collect Squirrel, drop her off at Bags' house, take The Cygnet to the doctor,walk the dog, collect some items for MY lunch which had not been picked up, take The Cygnets sample back to the idiot receptionist at the doctor (What's that. A sample. What for? Testing. For what? None of your business. You need to fill out a label. It has a label. One of our labels. It is one of your labels. One with a bar code. Why didn't you put one with a bar code on it originally? We are not allowed to touch them? Why not? Health & Safety. But you are allowed to touch the pens you hand over to fill out the label (which you have actually printed out with all the details filled in), the counter that everybody leans and sneezes on and the key for the toilet when people go to fill the sample bottles you are not allowed to touch?) and all done during the damned hail storms  and freezing winds that kept passing through.

And to top it all off we got beaten by 1 point at the 4 way photo competition this evening.

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