
By AroundHome

Brown Thrasher - New Favorite Bird

After doing volunteer work at the church, we stopped at a grocery store for a few things including lunch. I suggested to the Mrs. that we eat lunch at Oakhurst Forest Preserve. I received an eyes rolling response for that suggestion as she knew I would want to spend "a few minutes" taking photos, but she agreed.

About 40 meters behind where I parked the car there was a great commotion in a tree, and it sounded like every bird I ever heard was calling. There were four brown thrashers, and they are so active, loud, and melodious that I declare them my new favorite bird. My bird book says they rarely imitate other birds, but I heard rough imitations of many birds including a robin and a gull. The Cornell Institute of Ornithology indicates that brown thrashers have more than 1100 songs. These birds make me laugh! 

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