Belinda Lee

By bellee

2 days in a row

But he deserves it.

Jax was a very good boy this morning, with our vet visit being quite good. He was pulling on the lead so hard, I now have a bruise on my hand, but he just wanted to be friendly. There were lots of different doggies at the Vet this morning, as well as a bunny rabbit, which thankfully Jax didn't take any notice of. He had his vaccination and a check up. Checked out fine, just very excitable, as happens with a 2 year old Staffy.

Then we came home, did some more tidying, danced around the house until the dog wash people turned up. They were happy to see us, and Jax loves them because they give him so many treats. While they were here, I turned around and the roller door was shut.....over the fence I went as the front door was locked.

So that was the most exciting bit of the day, other than that cleaned the, it was bad. And done the rest of the washing that needed doing. Going to have a quiet night now, settle in, get warm and read for a while.

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