Eating snow

I really wasn't going to blip Rosie again today but she was so funny in the snow. (Snow!! What on earth was all that about?!) She was in the garden enjoying her bone when it started snowing, she had no interest in coming in so I ventured out to take some photos. She has her tongue stuck out in most of them, it was a funny five minutes.

Today I read on one of those wholesome Facebook pages about making your life perfect about how to make your house look and feel tidy all the time. To achieve this you need a big table (tick), in the centre of your house (tick), that everyone walks past constantly (tick) and is covered in all the crap and stuff that is easiest just to put on the table than anywhere else (tick, tick, tick). All you have to do is to clear the table, put everything in its rightful place, train your housemates to not dump stuff there ever again and your life will be grand. So, job done. The table is clear save the cat food bowls that have no where else to go due to the Greedy Puppy. My new life starts today!!!

Oh but, yesterday! I was properly touched by all your loveliness. Top bunch, you are. Go and clear your cluttered tables - that is my thank you tip for you x

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