Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB


For over 20 years now I've been going to find a use for these old ridge tiles. For 20 years I've been trimming back a hedge and thrashing down the nettles and thistles and couch grass and rediscovering them and for 20 years MrsDB has been asking demanding "When ARE you going to move this eyesore"?  And for 20 years I've been saying, "Soon dearest".  Well there's no point in rushing things is there.  Act in haste, repent at leisure.

You may wonder why they aren't on the roof, well when we reroofed the old building and added a new building there weren't enough of the original tiles to go around.  The planners weren't keen on mix and match roof ridges so we replaced the lot.  Our architect told us we'd have no problem finding more eventually and putting them back on.  He was wrong and so here they lie.

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