Who am I to disagree?

By longshanks

Lattitude Festival

So this is why we're in Southwold for the weekend. David & Clare fancied going to the Lattitude Festival. Can't say we were really that keen especially when initially the Lattitude site didn't tell you who was on on what days, and the plan was just to go for the Saturday, but we thought we'll go along to be sociable - yup, even grumpy old me can be sociable at times!

David & Clare got theirs and Alan & Gayes tickets, Dave & Jules got theirs, we missed that boat, but no worries we'll get ours in due course. Ooops when we eventually got round to it they'd sold out. Did a bit investigation as to other sources, but decided we're not going to pay that much, plus there's good birding in Suffolk, we'll do that while the others go to the festival and it'll suit my current grumpy image not to go.

Then last week we get a phone call, the daughter of the lady whose house we're renting has a couple of Saturday tickets going spare! Mmmm, Mr Grumpy had quite settled into the thought that we weren't going. Hey ho time to put on the sociable facade again. Well after failing to convince the lady's daughter that she could get far more than face value elsewhere we ended up with two Saturday tickets.

Saturday morning it's raining! We have another coffee, eventually get to the site around one, wander round for a bit, don't see much, and what we do see doesn't grab us. Have a spot of lunch, by now it's gone three and I'm starting to think shame we got the tickets, could have gone birding. Anyway, caught the end of Baxter Dury, he was okay (in depth review!!). We'd settled into seats way at the back of the main arena, which was fine for watching the big screen, but not exactly getting into the spirit of the event, so I left the others under their brollies and headed down to the front of the stage for Michael Kiwanuka, he was okay (another in depth review!!), between sets headed over to the Word stage - this had the advantage of being indoors and I found a group called Low playing. Now Mr Grumpy definitely liked Low - he would, wouldn't he. Back to the main stage for Richard Hawley, yeah, this is getting better and the rain's easing. Clare had actually leant me a CD of his a while back, but I hadn't got round to playing it - should have, sorry Clare, mind you, you've not watched the two DVDs I leant you a couple of years back!!

Joined the others at their seats for a coffee and some food while Laura Marling was on and then I headed back into the crowd for Saturday's headline act Elbow. Okay I'd heard of Elbow, but can't say I was that familiar with their stuff, so there I was surrounded by people waving their arms, clapping rhythmically and making strange wavy hand movements towards the moon - Cracking!! Thoroughly enjoyable.

Throw those curtains wide!
One day like this a year'd see me right
Throw those curtains wide!
One day like this a year'd see me right
Throw those curtains wide!
One day like this a year'd see me right
Throw those curtains wide!
One day like this a year'd see me right

Really glad we'd got those tickets - excellent, even getting back to the car and getting out of the car park seemed quite reasonable.

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