Lucky girl

What a 10 days that has been.
Pepper went for a check up 10 days ago. The vet was a little concerned and suggested she go to a specialist on the Monday for an ultrasound.
That evening we had a call that they wanted to operate in the morning as they thought she had a blockage.
Tuesday afternoon we had a call. 
They had found a tumour on the pancreas and gall bladder which they had removed. They had sent a sample off for tests but we were told to expect the worst.
We took her home and have waited since for what we fully expected to be confirmation of the bad news.

We've had the call today.
The tumour, although large was non cancerous.
She had lymph nodes on the pancreas and gall bladder, but they think they have removed enough of it for her to be OK.
She will probably have to be on medication for life, and will need a new low fat diet (she can join her ginger companion 'Johnny') but the chances are that little Pepper is going to pull through.

This was her face when I told her!!!

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