Footprints in the Sand

By JustKeepSwimmin

Ultimate Ballroom (37)

Day number 5 in my ultimate streak! Three days at Jaycee with the dudes from athens and two days at firefighters with the dudes (and dudets) from umm I guess all over equals one very good week for Michael! I thought my legs were going to give out like an old man's back but they were fighters and hung in there!

Until ballroom that is. Five days of jumping/diving/sprinting back and forth on a soccer field apparently does not give me to endurance to do a five minute jive. I guess that ballroom is more tiring to me than ultimate lol.

There is something very wrong with that statement. (Oh and this handy little thing in the picture is a speaker, that is actually ridiculously loud, that I connect to my phone for ballroom.)

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