
By IntothewildMan

Another indoor blip

I rather wish I had taken my camera along to this evening's yoga session in Sheringham. The class meets in the Oddfellows Hall which is a stone's throw from the sea front. Throughout the class we could hear the gentle roar and pounding of the waves against the promenade and the sea defences. It is a lovely sound which complements the rhythm of the breath and the heartbeat which you can hear as you move gently through the yoga exercises.
I was not entirely sure about going along to the class as my back is still painful but decided to give it a try and take care not to do anything that felt difficult. Fortunately the teacher is very kind and very experienced and managed "to turn a bug into a feature" (as I once heard a computer nerd say). So we got some particular and very gentle exercises for folk with sore backs, and additional postures for those without. At the end of it, my back felt a lot better than it did at the start.
Leaving the hall, we went for a brisk stroll along the sea front where the sun had already set and a pale peach light was visible here and there between deep purplish brown night clouds. The wind had blown up and the waves were hurling themselves forcefully at the shore, breaking against the concrete promenade and the rocky sea defences and throwing up plumes of spray. We were showered in a fine mist as we hurried along the front and back up the street towards the parked car.

I wish I had had my camera with me to record the dramatic sight of the wild waves in the fading light. But, as I didn't, all I have today is this indoor blip.

Backblip for yesterday: Amaryllis?

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