an itching in my thumbs

By itchythumbs


three things about today:

1. sam and i collected more bugs for this week's lesson. it seems like it was a little less buggy out there today but we got some good stuff nonetheless (mostly sam! you should see the wrist moves he has with that net. ridiculous!!) also, i kept them alive this time to show the kids some live ones, too.

2. i had one of those awesome moments today. i mean really awesome, like an only happen every few months kind of profundity. and it probably was all of 5 to 10 seconds long, but it reminded of how great humans are and how we can share so much but say so little. CHARGED PARTICLE MOMENT!!!

3. only slept 3 hours or so and went to work in the most non-dress code set of items ever: old techie black pants (coming apart at the waist and made of tight stretchy material), hiking boots with white socks, and my blue, airy, off-the-shoulder, showing all my tattoos, totally not business casual top. i tried to disguise this by wearing a pashmina scarf. pretty sure i just looked RIDICULOUS.

allright, done.

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