
By ciorstain

Back to the usual ....

..... Monday.
Nothing new - work is still mental and that I am going on holiday next week does not help at all.
Why is it that you have to work like crazy, so that you can afford to go on holiday for a few days and then after the holiday you work again plenty of over hours in order to catch up again?
So you get double punished for taking your deserved days off ..... Wrong, isn't it?

I went to the shops to get a few things and to do my daily walk, that I skipped yesterday due to party wounds ... ;). First time that I missed my walk this year, but I think it was well deserved ;)

On my way I phoned my best friend in Germany and we were chatting all way, from my house to the shops, in the shops and all way back .... (As you do with your best friend ...) 
When I got off the phone I was in our street and realised I had not taken a single photo! Doh! 
I franticly looked around and found this beautiful wee blossom in the neighbour's front garden ;)
I would probably not have noticed it on another day.
So, no studio flower shot today .....  I am afraid ;)
I used to know how they are called, but cannot remember.... maybe someone knows.

And now, I go back to work and then have more yummy party left overs for supper ;)

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