Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Rough Seas

Weird weather, we've had rain, sun, hailstones and snow.
The sea was great to watch tonight.

Had a terrible sleep, last night I felt ill but didn't know what. This morning I still felt weird. My mood was low and I felt emotional.

Got through the day and found a text from Mum to phone her. I instantly knew it wasn't going to be good. She is going on holiday tomorrow to visit her sister in Portugal and my gran has all of a sudden got worse . She hasn't  been right for a few weeks. She is asking me to keep in contact with the care home and go and see her every night and keep her updated.
I know that doesn't sound a lot to do but all of a sudden I feel a huge weight and responsibility.

So after watching the sea I went home, shut the door, lay on my bed and cried.

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