Monomonday: Diamond(s)

My family have always been enthusiastic players of card games and one of my earliest memories is of being taught to play cribbage by my Grandad, who refused to let anyone help me: "Let the boy play his own hand, " he would growl.

Sunday's were favourite days for hands of whist and rummy and no Christmas or New Year was , nor still is, complete without a game of Newmarket.

In their retirement, my Mum & Dad spent many an evening playing cards together and, after Dad died, Mum would often while away time playing patience.

It's interesting that, when she is here, one of the first things Sophie searches out are the old packs of cards, from which this suit of diamonds has been taken, which she will amuse herself sifting through; must be something in the genes!

I tried, unsuccessfully, to find a clip of Fairport Convention's version of Jack O'Diamonds, but this version by Richard Thompson, who was in the original FC line-up, is pretty much a solo acoustic version of the original.

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