Dedicated to brothers who lifted me up whenever I fell, whenever I was on the ground.
Personally I hate endings, from the finish lines to the days that reliefs are taken. Personally I love time-outs, well, "outta ya mind?", yeah I am. A break man, extending the time you know, having enough time till the clouds approach ma' ass. Ironically today I am at an another finish and trying to dial in cheat codes up on life to save me. Life man, 5 years, better think, dig deep into it bro. Here's is a hawk ok? It's waiting right around the corner, I promise you ain't gonna die but isn't dying is plural, days die, years die, your dick slowly dies and the hawk is the executioner in some kind of ways. But, never mix hawk with a bird, cuz birds come&go, hawks? Hawks stay, silently, waiting to break you into pieces. There's one on my bum ass head right now dog. Surprisingly this globetrotter does not bite, it works like a worm hole which slowly digest a part of your soul into itself. Sorry, I cannot write anymore, out of goddamn time-outs, out of my homies. Drawing spirals with my hawk onto the skies, shooting a feature film under 10,000 USD. The best, I am the starring role.
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