
By Wildwood

Green Tomatoes

Many Californians are obsessed by growing tomatoes in the summer. It's because we all know that a warm ripe tomato picked directly off the vine bears no resemblance to the commercially grown, thick skinned flavorless objects one finds in the grocery store. But it's not always as easy as it seems.

Berkeley is a problematic place to grow tomatoes because it is often foggy and cool, but Sonoma County has the perfect climate... as long as the gophers don't get them during the week when we're not here.

These tomatoes should be red and ready to eat straight off the vine like an apple, juice dripping off your elbow in about three weeks...if the cabbage lopers don't get them.

Should the weather suddenly turn cool, there are always Fried Green Tomatoes and Green Tomato Chutney...assuming there isn't an early frost.

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