A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Women are wrong

Saw this in a copy of the Readers Digest (yeah - don't say anything!!!). Thought it might appeal to some people! There is a beautiful crescent moon outside which would be fantastic to blip - but frankly its too cold and I can't be bothered!!! So this will have to do. Particularly relevant as myself and my colleagues are in the middle of marking our Mock Exams!

No blip last night - left our house to take James to his Dads. This is a 78 mile round trip, which normally takens 90 minutes.

Last night it took exactly 6 hours - an average speed of 13 MPH. Of the 6 hours, it took 2 and a half hours to do half a mile, then another 2 hours spent parked, with engine off, on the M6. Then the rest of the time, actually doing the journey as it should have been!!! Got home at midnight. Temperature was -4

It was -6 this morning - my washer bottle hasn't defrosted all day.

Edit - I remembered - there was a positive to the whole 'Motorway Car Park' experience. A number of impatient and inconsiderate b*****ds decided to use the hard shoulder for their own private high speed lane. So imagine my joy when a BMW went tanking up the hard shoulder, only to be shortly 'captured' by the Rozzers (the police) and given a bloody good ticking off - I hope he got some points and a fine. Numpty!

I am also pondering, on the day the ballot papers have arrived for people who will be affected by the proposed Congestion Charge in Manchester, why those of us who live slightly outside Greater Manchester, but who travel in everyday and will be affected by the proposed charge, haven't been given an opportunity to have a say on the matter. Aaaaaah - democracy - its a wonderful thing!

Off to have tea then mark 7 pieces of coursework. Woohoo.

Oh, and my back went again today - all I did was WALK and it just clunked out - shooting pains in my legs again. Ah well - an excuse for a large whiskey, some painkillers and a hot bath !

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