No such thing as a lazy Sunday.

Both awake just after 5am. Grrrrr
I took them down just before 7am leaving daddy to doze.

Daddy went shooting, I had planned we would go pony riding but Wom crawled onto my lap and went to sleep.

We headed out after he woke, Munchie loved her ride, even though her favourite Samson, wasn't doing rides.

Munchie was equally thrilled she could do the whole play ground on her own, now she can reach the ropes. We were going to have lunch there, but the queue was massive so grabbed McDonald's and had a picnic at home.

Lots of jumping in and giggling.
Cooked a roast, made all the beds, put all the washing away, tidied up. Ate afore mentioned roast ,

Both shattered and asleep by 7:00

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