Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Still Raining

Uli is in a strop - how do you tell a cat that we dont control the weather?
Caesar, Luna and Dru have been curled up all day.
Zara is happy as she has been chasing cats all day.
I think poor Kirk and Magic might need an ark soon.
And Ferd - well Ferd is muddy but is content to snooze for the day.

Me I spent the morning at the doctors.
Have an infection.

Its embrassing .....

..... I have an infection in my belly button, I mean come on, its my belly button!!!!

Its sore, hurts and so I have been asleep most of the day - have stuff and if it doesnt improve in a week have to go back. Seriously you cant make these things up :(

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