Sunday Excursion

Richard headed to the White Horse for an orienteering event. Decided to await the verdict of a specialist before trying to run so with that in mind I set off for a bike ride. Strangely the knee seems able to cope with cycling..... thank goodness.

In an attempt to try a different route started out along the Vale of Pickering towards Snainton before enduring a long climb up on the Troutsdale Road. Although scenic it is a long drag and I seemed to be climbing for a long time before turning towards Langdale End and a route into Dalby Forest.

This derelict chapel complete with a danger warning about bees was encountered on the Troutsdale Road. The view made the effort worthwhile. The extra is of what I believe to be a Yellowhammer sat on the hedge warming itself in the sun.  If anyone can help with the identification I would be very grateful.

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