
I feel like I'm in that kind of situation where people are given potent drugs to treat a medical problem, and it's those very drugs that then become the cause of the most problematic symptoms rather than the original condition they're supposed to be helping. In my case, though, it's the reverse. It's the lack of my normal natural drugs that is possibly my issue right now. Even when my knee was shattered I was more active than this time around with my skull having been shattered! Back then, by this stage, I was already in the saddle. I feel like I've reached a point where this vicious circle has to be turned around.

So, I cracked today. I got the bike out and took a little tootle, to start on the road back. My vision is still not right but I was safe. The small dose of endorphins it provided felt good. I think my whole body has been in withdrawal this last month. I need to start feeding it what it craves - little by little, of course! 

There were quite a few choices here. I was good. I did not get tempted into going too far and took the direct route back home. I actually felt quite proud of myself.

Getting out seems to have helped because I finished the day taking up an invitation to join a small party of friends. The conversation was very stimulating and I managed to stay awake - even with a couple of glasses of wine!

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