What Do I See

By MatthewHicks


So I had ideas of getting a guy at work to do a portrait. That didn't happen, so I had to find something at home. I have almost worn a rut in the garden of late pacing around looking for something to photograph, so I though lets try something different.

I know drops of oil on water. Nah didn't like that. Building up to be rubbish (and at the time Oliver was 'assisting'...This is going to end in tears...

By the power of greyskull google I thought ink drops in water (not got any ink) food colouring then...Hunt round the kitchen looking for those tiny little bottles that things like food colouring and vanilla essence comes in...no luck. As Steph is a black belt in cake making she has colouring paste, not the liquid, so I am watering it down, digging out a pipette and setting up.

Not the best, for some reason the dye would veer off to one side a bit.

Things I learnt.

Reasonable depth of field f8 or higher really
Plenty of light (the background is the screen from my laptop (yeah balancing water on top of your laptop...)
Medium shutter speed - 1/200th or faster really
Big vessel for the water a big vase or something similar (the posher ones on here that have crystal buckets might like to try that).
Continuous shutter, take loads, get a few at the end.
Keep changing the water!

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