Lake District

Today's the day ............................ to take in the view

We couldn't have asked for a better day to show Bob and Françoise a little of the South Lakeland scenery.

I've rarely seen the view from the top of Scout Scar looking so clear and sharply in focus.  You really could see for miles - from Blackpool Tower way south in Morecambe Bay to the Langdale Pikes and beyond.  It was quite magnificent as you can see below.

We wandered across to Windermere for a spot of lunch and a look round Blackwell: the Arts & Crafts House.  Then we drove southwards along the lake - and on to Fowlshaw Moss to see how the ospreys were getting on.  The other extra is a study in black and white in the Lyth Valley - a field of black sheep next to a damson orchard covered in blossom ...........................

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