Just me..

By Sunnyclouds

Evie's last day at the infants...

So Evie is no longer an infant, she's now a junior!!

An amazingly emotional church service this morning. I sobbed most of the way through all 90 minutes of it, as did Evie... I'm not sure any other children got emotional and I'm also not sure whether she was upset because she was leaving or because I was upset... Then May got upset because she was "done with school and she wanted to get her nighty on" (at 10.30 in the morning) and then Elliot got upset and screamed because a little girl had swiped his cement mixer... So we were all upset!!!

Evie was presented with a beautiful year book. I found one of the dinner ladies lunch time attendants quotes very lovely...

The meaning of happiness is the same as the meaning of life, if you find one, you'll find the other.

Good luck my beautiful girl in your new school and everything you choose to do and be.

She is being given her year book here, the teacher had a personal statement that she said about each child as they walked to meet her at the front of the church. Her teacher, at times, even had to take time out to compose herself!

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