Heart and Souled

By DebsP

Meet Milo

I love seeing the horses on our walks. Today, in the long grass, they eased my soul after yesterday.
I spent a while watching them, then getting close and picking gorse from their manes and running my hands over their shoulders. I've loved their smell since small.
Then I met a woman walking the same way with her dog. We'd never met before and our paths crossed on the day I needed an introduction. She stables her horse in the same place and told me Milo's name. When her horse was 'off colour' she borrowed Milo and took him to the seaside to ride on the sands. She proudly showed me the pics on her 'phone explaining that, like us, horses too love a change of scene! I need to head coast-bound soon.

I know yesterday's blip was harrowing, but I couldn't ignore it. Thank you for being there x.

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