Flowers in the Rain...

We had a big downpour this morning, so I sat out on the porch with my coffee and visited with the couple we're renting our apartment from. They're such nice, friendly people! The rain finally let up a bit, so I went in and got the camera--thought I'd take a few flower pictures while the raindrops were still on them. I loved this purple color but I have no idea what kind of flowers these are--maybe one of you will recognize them! They resemble petunias, only they were on a big bush!  It was cloudy until mid-afternoon but then the sun came out for a bit--just long enough for us girls to walk (well, the baby rode) over to Starbucks for iced coffees. The baby fell asleep on the way over but woke up after we sat down outside. I thought she'd be cranky as she didn't sleep very long, but she woke up smiling & Jen said that's pretty much how she is most of the time. She's just the sweetest little girl! (not that I'm in the least prejudiced!!! Haha!)

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