Beach Antics

Sunday, we woke to a stunning day.  Sadly...we had to spend our morning being responsible and getting homework, and real work, and such done.  We wrapped that up as quickly as possible, and headed out of the house with The Hubby and Ivy dog.  We ended up at the beach, and it was incredible.  So happy to be there.  It was in the 80's, and ZERO wind.  Of course I wore a coat.....but that's just me.  Sugar was in her element.  We found so many beautiful rocks and shells.  We couldn't have asked for a better beach experience.  

We headed for some ice cream next, and oh boy....what a treat.  Perfect. 

Then it was home to spend the afternoon with baby bunnies, and some water balloons. It was almost too hot at home.  The water balloons helped though.  So fun.

Sugar stayed outside while I whipped up some delicious pork tacos for dinner.  Then it was time to settle in for reading and sleep.  GREAT weekend.

PS.  Baby runt is doing fine.  I added an extra photo.  He is the speckled one.

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