a flower within...
...a flower
or so it appears - in this lovely purple specimen - which i found blooming in another one - of my favorite little hideaways that i tend to - visit during the flowering season - i happened to find it after another photographer - mentioned it to me in passing - so i guess i really didn't 'find' it on my own - but you know what i mean - when we happen upon these little fabulous gems - to take photos which are kind of hidden away - in the city from the average joe - anyway, i've no clue what kind of flower - this is but was so intrigued by the deep intense color and - that other tiny sort of blossom springing out of the middle - it just called to me, seeming to - say springtime all over it
there was nothing which needed to be done - to this wonderful blossom - what you see is what is - it's straight out of the camera today - no fuss, no tweaking, no nothing - and because of that that's what's making for...
happy day.....
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