
By IntothewildMan

Erythronium "Pagoda" the Dog's Tooth Violet.

(edited: Thanks to Tony who pointed out this is not E. Dens-canis but a hybrid; see comments below)

Up really early today as Hanne Lene was leaving at the crack of dawn for a meeting in London, and since I was awake I got up too. It was an opportunity to take a few photos of the northern side of the house and the flowers there while the sun was still on them. They spend much of the day in partial shade.

It's been a productive sort of day. I had a long yoga practice before breakfast and then worked till lunchtime. Then off to the North Norfolk Council Offices to sound out the Planning Officer about the garden room extension that we are hoping to build. So far so good. We are quite excited about the plans that we have come up with.
A quick shop at a popular multinational cut price supermarket beginning with L, then nipping home for a quick snack and a cup of tea before seeing another client. After that I managed to dig a few more square yards and prepare the soil in the vegetable garden. Realised just how excellent the soil is there, thanks to the people who have tended it over the years before we arrived, and the additional help we have given.

Now I think I am going to put my feet up for a bit. Have a good evening.

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