
By mydayblipped

Road works

I only passed my driving test when I was 30 so not been a driver for very long, it's handy, gets me from A to B and sometimes C and D, and is cheaper than the bus. But I'm still not a huge fan of driving.
So today I had to drive to and from the hospital. First on to the main road to find myself behind one of those lorries with the giant flashing left arrow on the back of it. So changed lanes, only to find there was no road works..this lorry was just driving up the road.
Changed back into my lane to find it was actually driving VERY slowly so had to change back out again.
Finally get past it to find at the turn off to the hospital, the traffic lights were out, which meant a right turn across 2 lanes of oncoming traffic.
So when we left the hospital I thought we'll take a different way home to avoid the broken lights only to find the lane I need to be in, the entire stretch of road, was closed!
Lastly we ended up getting stuck behind this digger!
So whilst we were stopped at (working) traffic lights I snapped a quick picture on my phone. Camel straw back. Not driving again today!

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