Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2016 Tuesday -- New Title

This evening I have attended the Board of Trustees meeting for the college district where I teach. This was the official recognition and congratulations for my new title. Several faculty from the three separate colleges within the district were recognized. I have taught full-time for the past 25 years; however, receiving the rank of professor is not an automatic promotion with the number of years employed.

If a person has been employed 10 years at the college and has a Ph.D the application is usually automatically granted when applied for. Those of us who have not gone on to earn a doctorate degree, must have proven our worth in some significant other ways outside of the classroom.

The application process was a grueling experience of "tooting my own horn" (certainly not a biblical moment of humbleness) in order to prove that I was worthy to receive the rank of professor. Five friends, all professionals, from my world outside of the college wrote me some significant letters of recommendation (Jack Keeter, Al Penton, Dave Saunders, Michael Montano, and Sherry Hall); I could not have done it without them.

This new rank is simply a title change. No salary increase. I am, though, extremely pleased.

After the voicing of "Congratulations," the next statement is often a question, "When will you retire?" My goal is to teach for 4 more years -- 8 more semesters -- and then retire my cap, my gown, and my hood. With my accrued sick leave, I will have 30 years of service completed at that time.

It's been an interesting journey for this girl who quit high school at the end of 10th grade to marry Mr. Fun.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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