Venetian Manchester

A beautiful sunny morning......heralded a busy busy day.

Left home around 10 to drive into Manchester.
I parked up not to far from the centre, near enough for hub to walk in to meet up with his retired work colleagues for their quarterly lunch. This gave me a half hour to find today's blip. I specifically wanted to take some wide angle shots of Manchester today, for the wide angle Wednesday challenge, hosted by
I missed last week, so promised to take part today.

This type of photography, particularly focusing manually is a whole new challenge for me!! I'm reasonably happy with this shot, which, although it is city centre Manchester, with the boat coming out through the lock gates, as I lined up my shot, it did conjour up thoughts of Venice, or is that just me being a hopeless romantic??

I raced back to the car and drove on to Mums as I was picking her up at 11.30. The traffic was slow but got there, not too late, and as ever, she wasn't ready.....not one to be rushed in her latter years :-/ . Once in th car, off to sis's house to pick her up.....then back through Manchester to a shopping outlet that sis had suggested we go to for a change. A change it was, but we still had lunch in M&S, albeit a different one ;-)

We wandered around the various shops, I got some new shoes for our cruise, sis got new trainers, mum got some soft walking shoes.
Gift vouchers we all wanted, some food shopping, a pit stop in Costa Coffee, then back to the car. Dropped sis off, back to mums..... we had an hour sat on mums bench in the lovely sunshine, it was really quite warm:-)

Neither of us wanted anything for tea by 5.30, so I gave it a miss, got myself changed ready for Step and Pilates. Met sis there, worked our socks off, sweated back was giving me some stick :-/

Drove home, got back at 9.15........had a prawn salad, a cuppa and a long sit down, whilst sorting out my images from is morning.

It's now nearly 11pm, and boy am I ready for my bed.......night all!

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