Pretty Pepper

Not been a good few days here in the Green household.

Pepper has been losing a lot of weight recently, so Friday we took her to the vets.
All tests for Thyroid came back OK but they were a 'little' concerned about her liver and asked us to take her to a specialist for an ultrasound Monday.
Dropped her off Monday morning intending to pick her up a few hours later.
Got a call though from Vets. They were concerned with the ultrasound and wanted to operate on her Tuesday. The vet though was especially upbeat, saying its probably just a little blockage and she'll be right as rain in a few days.

Tuesday afternoon we get the call "I'm sorry, it's not good. Pepper has a massive tumour on the pancreas and it looks like it has spread"
They took a sample and said they would call today.

Todays news - The vets are almost certain it is cancer and untreatable, but wont know for sure until Thursday, possibly Friday.
In the meantime, although she is frail and has a collar on, she is eating and drinking.
We were asked did we want to take her home.
Well of course we will.
If, as seems likely, these are her last couple of days then I don't want her spending them alone and frightened in a cage in a back room of a surgery.
Her last days, if they are to be so, will be spent with people, and her ginger companion who all love her.
What an emotional roller-coaster.

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