A moment in time

By Skyegirl

Isafjordur, Iceland

Docked at 9am and our intention was to wander around the area independently.
However, as we disembarked, we were approached to join a mini-bus tour which was going to view some of the villages, up the mountain for a view, and various other things.  It was much cheaper than the official tours, and ten of us opted to go.  The driver was a charming Icelandic gentleman who gave us lots of information and stopped wherever we wanted for photograph opportunities.  To leave the village there are two tunnels through the mountains, we took one of them.  These are very long tunnels, and a feat of engineering.

He took us up the  mountain 1,800 ft to a radar station, on a dirt road which is only opened sixty days of the year.  It was a spectacular journey, full of tight bends, and at the top at the radar station there was snow, and amazingly some wonderful flowers, including the  Icelandic Poppy.  There are so many photographs I would love to show you, but have to choose one!  

We then went to the reconstructed Icelandic fishing village, which was most interesting with turf roofs, and huts to dry, store and process the fish.  The curator was dressed in typical fisherman's gear of the period, made of sheepskin.

Sunset tonight 12.27am and sunrise tomorrow 2.35am.

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