Autumn at it's Best

The Poplar trees are looking great at the moment, the days are so calm, that the leaves are staying on the trees.  I couldn't believe how many people were at the lake front this morning.  I even had a blipmeet there with 'Tussock Tales' and 'Old Timer'.  Most unexpected!  I have never met OT before so it was so nice to meet her.

I played croquet this morning.  The folk from Aspiring Village challenged us to a competition, and they won 8 games to 4.  Well done to you Village people.

We spent a little bit of time in the garden this afternoon, and now little 'h' and her Aunt have gone for a swim in the local pool.  I hope it isn't too cold for them.  Much warmer today, which is nice.

The extra photo is of the keen ones up to their knees in water.

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