
By DancingAly

Things Is Not Quite Right..

we imagine Little B is thinking ;-) (Excuse the grammar, Little B "speaks" this way!)

I was up at 6:30am, and got things moving pretty quickly. Unfortunately my mum feels worse today-we think this is Day 4 of the flu. And when it came time for me to leave for work she asked me to ask the GP to come see her at home. I called, but was told they won't do home visits for the flu/a chest infection, so could only give her an appointment or phone call. I checked back in with mum, who didn't think she could actually get out of bed, even if one of us took her. Hmmm. What are people supposed to do then? Go to A & E and camp out? I don't think so. In the end I called my Dad and told him I thought he'd have to come home. Which he did, and my poor Mum struggled to the docs. They've told her she can fight it off herself, and gave her some anti-sickness tablets. A bit of a mixed result. Hopefully she'll feel a bit brighter tomorrow- I'm hoping I shan't catch it as my neutrophils are only 3.0! 

I had a busy but good day today otherwise. I took the other Year One class to the gym club for their trip. They loved it, but I think last week was better. Perhaps because they aren't my class. I thought my children were better behaved, but then I'm biased ;-) They're lovely! My friend James ran the coaching session, and did lots of fun things, including chucking them into the pit, which they were thrilled about ;-) Only one minor accident and apart from a few rowdy boys, a good time was had by all. I'd quite like to go every week!

The sun came out and it was glorious this evening. Ro and I went to Waitrose to get groceries, she walked Little B earlier so he wasn't stir crazy too. 

I had a nice bath and some veggies for dinner, and I'm going to relax tonight. 

* After I have put the "sick" to bed :-) Which involves fetching and carrying, drink preparation, medicine selecting etc. :-)

Oh, and these are the shoes I bought on Sunday :-) It seems a long time ago now. 

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