Evening Swim

A fine enough day, bit breezy and cold but some sunny spells and a sunny evening. 

I've had a busy day in the office and always plenty to be getting on with and always plenty of updates coming in for the old photos.  My photo exhibition is going great and put up new old photos for folk to name.  Niece Elise came by work and came home for tea.  A fine walk with her and Sammy, some telly and then ran her home.  Off to work in the pub again tonight.

It's been a fine evening but don;t think I'd chance taking a swim here.  This peerie Tystie was fairly enjoying swimming around the harbour and caught in action with his head under looking for food :)  Hope he caught his supper :)  My niece liked his feet and wanted me to use this photo :)  Taken at Hamnavoe, Burra.  

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