Not MonoMonday

Just realized as I was uploading this photo that it's Monday, but Jordan is so kind to be so willing to pose for me that I just had to use her today.

Her dad seems to be doing better, but now there is an issue with her 8 year old sister who has had a very severe stiff neck for several days and isn't able to move her head without extreme pain.  They are in the process of ruling things out.  So, Jordan had an early dismissal and we entertained each other while her mum and Lily went to a specialist and suffered through an MRI.  There was homework (in Kindergarten??) and snacks and walking to the park, a picnic and a pedicure given by me!  Multicolored toes.  Maybe I should have included them in today's blip....  

Hoping for a better day for Lily and her dad tomorrow.  

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