twinned with trumpton


So I let her sleep; did the dishes and packed up, slipping out the door as she slept. A sunny cold morning, I dumped the kit in the car and walked into work; meeting the boss as I did so; did he offer me a lift in the BMW? Er no.

So annual appraisal the day before they announce the big shake up. So we went over last year's stats; exceeded in some, failed in one, did enough in others. Hey ho...

Lunch I went to the station, go a claim form and then to the St James Centre; prowled about (see photos) and went back to work; cleared a lot of sludge and then left at 17.30; fetched the car and met up with Barry.

For the first assault in Arthur's Seat of the fledgling summer. A decent 50 minutes in blustery conditions; but decent enough.

Dropped him back home and then finally got home around 8; dumped the shopping and bathed, ate and veged out....

Extra is how to get onto (one bit of the )roof at St James Centre

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