My Fav Environment
I have always been aware of the environment that surrounds me and feel quite at home in nature, but since joining Blipfoto, I have become super aware and the more aware I become the more I 'experience'. (Run on sentence...but I am super excited still!)
Today I had an appointment with a neurologist and left early to make sure I would be on time. Arrived in the area an hour early (!) so decided to take advantage and head down to the lake to see what I could see. What surprise to see three deer peeking over the hilltop at me! (I do brake unexpectedly for photo opportunities...yikes!). Luckily, I always travel with my camera so jumped out of the car, cautious not to startle the deer so that I could get a photo of them on the hill....see extra of deer with Tree Swallow. How surprised I was when they started to run down the hill to see me! Obviously, someone must feed them but it was still super cool for them to come right up to me so that I could touch them. Normally, I don't believe in feeding wild animals as it endangers them more than helps them...but boy, oh boy, did I wish I had a few apples or some corn to give them ; )
They posed....I whispered sweet nothings to them as I snapped photos and petted them....then told them to scat so I could get to my appointment on time. Awesome way to start my day!
Thanks DavidC for hosting Mono Monday today : )
I hope you all had your own special moments today...
"Wear gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life."
~ Rumi
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