Cool winds

and only 20°C. We've needed some warm clothes today for real. We've clearly adapted to the warm weather quite well.

So it's been a good day to do some grocery shopping and other shopping as well. I bought myself a sombrero para el sol i.e. sunhat. And I bought Niklas swimming shorts for Wednesday as his old ones are too small to use and a huge beach towel. It's not so often in Finland that you go swimming. Niklas is the same as me, he needs the water to be warm to be able to go in. So apparently he hasn't used his swimming shorts for few years :-). 

Also good say for cleaning the house. Bedroom made ready for our arriving guest. Few hour walks with two of our dogs. Nelson's paw is hurt somehow. Last night before 1 am I woke up for his quiet "cry" for help. (He has this very certain voice when he's not happy.) I went to him and escorted him to the dog bed in our bedroom. That's the first time I noticed he was limping his right paw. So we've let him rest today only taking very very short walks to nearby park to do the business. Let's see if it gets better or do we take him to the vet. He's in good spirits at least and eats normally. Perhaps he hurt his paw last night when we were already sleeping as the floors are slippery. After our evening walk he was normal. I've checked his paw and there's nothing visual, nothing in pain when touching it. Mysterious. Hopefully it goes away with a bit of rest.

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